Attention 7th and 8th graders!
Ms. Feist received the Jordan Education Foundation Educator of the Year Award! It is a well-deserved recognition, as she does so much for both her students and our school. Please be sure to congratulate her.
Attention 7th and 8th graders! Applications for SBO for next year are now open and are due on Friday, April 14th. Please use this link for a schedule and to view the application. If you have any questions, ask Miss Feist in P103.
Use the link below to access and complete the School Climate Survey.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held at Fort Herriman Middle School from February 13 - February 16. All teachers will be available for in-person meetings at the school on Wednesday, February 15 from 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM. All other conferences will be held virtually throughout the rest of the week. Please review this document to see teacher availability.
Incoming 9th Grade:
Incoming 8th Grade:
Incoming 7th Grade:
An orientation meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 25th in the FHMS Auditorium. There will be two sessions, 4:30 pm. and again at 5:30 pm. Please choose whichever session best fits your schedule. Online Registration will be available beginning that night. An immunization clinic will also be available from 4:00 pm. until 6:30 pm.
Incoming 7th Grade DLI Students:
A separate meeting will be held for you at 4:00 pm. in the Library. We will discuss courses available and graduation pathways, as well as answer any DLI-related questions you may have. We encourage you to attend the regular registration orientation immediately following.
All 7th Grade Course Requests will be due by Monday, January 30th
Outgoing 9th Grade: MRHS Counselors visited our 9th-grade class on Feb 13th to begin their registration process for 2023-24. Your student was given a packet to take home. Copies of the paperwork inside of that packet, as well as information on their registration process, can be found on the MHRS website. Please contact the high school with any additional questions about class requirements or registration processes. Course Requests for incoming freshmen closed on Feb 19th. Their Arena Scheduling opens in May. Please contact their offices with any questions.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the Diamondback Giveback event that will be held on December 8 at Fort Herriman. If you would like to volunteer, please visit this link for more details and to sign up.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held at Fort Herriman the week of September 26 - September 29. Conferences will be held in person from 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM on Thursday, September 29. Teachers will also be able to meet virtually throughout the week as they are available. Please use this document to determine review teachers' schedules for virtual meetings. All conferences (in person and virtual) are drop in meetings, so no appointments are necessary.